Today’s Traditional Pay Cycle is Outdated.

Among the buzziest and most popular employee benefits to offer in 2020 is Early Wage Access (EWA). But what truly is EWA?

In this 5 Day Email Course, Branch CEO Atif Siddiqi will teach you why EWA is the new, modern financial solution you should offer to your employees.

Sign up today and learn:

  • - What EWA is (and what it is not)
  • - Why employers are seeking EWA (and how it affects employee productivity)
  • - How EWA works (no matter how big or small your business is)
  • - How EWA fits into other Financial Wellness Programs (and complements your existing offerings)
  • - What’s required for a successful Financial Wellness benefit implementation (including key considerations to make)

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Branch CEO and Founder, Atif Siddiqi

The Branch App Is Trusted By Top Employers At:
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