Move money faster
Branch is an Employer Payments Platform (EPP) that partners with Delaget to help businesses accelerate payments and empower employees with free financial services. Our fast, flexible platform includes tools like digital tips and reimbursements, earned wage access, and a paycard alternative—at no cost to employers or employees.

Go Beyond the Paycheck with the Branch EPP
Digital Wallet + Branch Card
Pay wages via the Branch Wallet without pre-funding, cash reserves, or payroll changes.
Built-in EWA
Grant employees access to a portion of their earned wages ahead of time if needed.
Instant tips + disbursements
Instantly send digital tips or mileage reimbursements to employees after each shift.
Paycard and paper check replacement
Slash the cost and hassle of issuing paper checks and managing paycards.
Gig Workers + 1099s
Pay gig workers and freelancers as soon as the job is done—no charge per payout.
Branch Product Overview
Additional Resources

Branch EPP Overview
What is EPP? Learn everything you need to know about an Employer Payments Platform.

Branch + Delaget Overview
A brief overview of Branch offerings for Delaget prospects and customers

Partner Cheat Sheet
An overview of the partnership between Branch + Delaget: the Branch elevator pitch, what makes a good lead, and more.

Branch Tips & Mileage
See how Branch can provide tips, mileage, and other reimbursements for prospects and customers.

Qualifying Questions
Questions to ask your clients and prospects to qualify them as Branch leads. Includes common objections and how to handle them.